Empowerment: a Real Gain or Just Disdain?

In today’s episode, we’ll be delving into something that is crucial for our personal and professional development. Something that confirms trust in ourselves, both inwardly and outwardly. This is arguably the holy grail of our working environments.

Without this there is little chance of achievement or job satisfaction, yet for so many of us this is lacking in our professional endeavours. Ladies and gentlemen, guys and gals, today we’ll be unraveling the topic of empowerment.

Firstly, what is Empowerment? Is it a real gain, or just something to treat with disdain? Why should we bother? What’s in it for us? Why don’t we just tow the line and get paid…? Nothing wrong with that!! Is there…? Well let’s see.

What is Empowerment?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines this as:

empowerment /em’pavam(a)nt

NOUN [mass noun]

authority or power given to someone to do something:

– individuals are given empowerment to create their own dwellings.

the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights:

– political steps for the empowerment of women

– a foundation to promote economic empowerment for poor communities.

Therefore, empowerment in my understanding is the giving of trust in oneself, or others in order to achieve. Whether this be in a professional, personal or other area of life. This trust enables self-expression in order to execute whatever task or goal that has been set.

Empowerment in the Workplace

Empowerment at work involves giving employees the authority and autonomy necessary to make decisions and take ownership over their tasks, instilling an increased sense of responsibility and motivation as individuals feel trusted and respected by management.

It involves providing employees with all of the tools, resources, and training needed for them to excel at their roles – including access to information technology platforms as well as professional development opportunities so that they may develop their abilities further and perform at their optimal performance.

Promoting open communication and collaboration are integral to empowering employees. Fostering an environment in which ideas may freely flow and feedback welcomed allows individuals to express their perspectives freely while taking active part in decision-making processes.

Recognising and celebrating achievements is integral to creating empowerment within an organisation. Recognising employees for their contributions not only boosts morale but also reinforces a feeling of empowerment by validating their efforts within it.

Finally, an inclusive work environment which values diversity and promotes equal opportunities is vital to employee empowerment. By eliminating barriers and biases while offering fair treatment and accepting multiple perspectives, employees will feel more affirmed to thrive within an inclusive work space.

From the Coaching Perspective

Five questions to evaluate Empowerment in your working environment, but also works on as personal basis.

1. What specific goals or outcomes do you seek through empowerment?

2. In what areas do you feel particularly empowered at the moment?

3. In what areas and situations are you feeling least empowered at present? And

4. What specific actions can be taken to increase your sense of empowerment in those areas?

5. How will you measure progress toward becoming more empowered?

In Summary

Empowerment can only be again. On occasion, one could argue it is disdain, but this only happens in circumstances where leaders or management feel threatened by the potential improvement, advancement, and ability of those under there charge.

On a very fundamental level empowerment is something that has humans we all need. It enables us to feel recognised trusted and to have the feeling of being wanted.

Ultimately, this is not a question of what we want. It’s a matter of what we need.

Wishing all of the readers a very Merry Christmas and a super prosperous, 2024!

Until next time, peace,

Your Coach Ben