Welcome one and all to another update from the My Coach Ben coaching practice. A slightly different topic today. Instead of updating on the current programs, I thought I’d share something more general related to Coaching itself.
There have been a couple of enquiries for programs recently which is nice. I’m happy to see the word is spreading so I must be doing something right. I’m pleasantly surprised how many people are interested in self improvement.
I’ve resisted the temptation to bombard LinkedIn, Youtube and the rest with videos of me telling people what they need to do to improve their business, career or personal lives. It’s an option, but not right now. Besides I haven’t been able to find a Barbados background to demonstrate how successful I am!
Instead, I take a more measured approach. Attending networking events and having conversations with people. This method proves to be quite successful. The folk I meet are usually quite intrigued and interested to learn more about what Coaching actually is.
One point that’s come to light in my various discussions, is that coaching isn’t for everyone. By that I don’t mean that some people don’t need it. What I mean is that the perception of coaching is generally wrong. For example, I can tell you what coaching is not:
- Fixing people’s problems
- Telling people on what to do
- Dealing with the past
- Counselling
- Therapy
Coaching is simply what it is. Wikipedia says:
Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. That’s about it. The word Challenge is missing but it’s good enough.
The most important requirement is that one has to want to achieve or improve in the first place. Coaching is a method whereby people who are already good at something (often without even knowing it), are helped to use their own resources to become better or great at it. Pure and simple.
Bill Clinton used a coach whilst president, and likely still does now. Andre Agassi; Leonardo Dicaprio; Oprah Winfrey; Metallica (believe it or not); Serena Williams… all used a coach at one stage or other to help them develop into the people we know today. Nobody would describe these people as just good at what they do.
These people are great at what they do. In part (by their own admission) it’s because they’ve used a coach to help them explore, unearth and develop their existing or hidden talents.
This is what I consider to be my job to be. To help people help themselves. I do this by working with them to identify their strengths and helping them find and use ways to maximise the potential that these strengths allow.
The clients I currently work with would be considered successful by most people’s standards. Yet, they realise that they can still improve. We work, we discuss, we challenge to find further elements of their innate ability. Then I help them to plot a course of action that brings their ideas to reality.
Likewise, I have a new client who describes themselves as “unlucky” or unsuccessful. They know however, that they do have the potential to be “lucky” or successful. Thus, they decided to take the necessary steps to change.
I have used a coach in the past and, on occasion still do. There are times when we all need that little bit of help. That little bit of challenge, to focus on our best parts. Those parts are called strengths.
In summary, Coaching is for those who are prepared to move forward. To take the step(s) to find their hidden talents or hone those they already know they have. Coaching is not for those who feel life is “against” them or are “unlucky“.
We all have misfortune on occasion. The decider is what we do with it. I can help you to discover this single truth.
Until next time.
Your Coach Ben