So, three things… Firstly a big thank you to those who have liked, followed and reacted to the Coaching pages on Facebook and Twitter. This is greatly appreciated. Secondly…Another big thank you to those of you who have asked me to help them with various life elements for which some support is needed. I’m sure you’ll be more than happy with the results! I would give a money back guarantee but actually, there’s no need. This brings me on to my last point.
For the next three months – until the end of July, I’m offering the service for FREE! There is no charge throughout the seven-week process. The reason for this is simply to get the ball rolling and demonstrate how effective this process can be.
The most precious commodity in life isn’t gold, oil or even Nutella! It’s time. This is the only thing that we all know is limited on a personal level. In view of this, I’m prepared to give my time without charge during this period. To demonstrate what I can do and because I know those taking part will benefit.
I have room for another one possibly two people who would be interested in pursuing the program during this time. Whichever life area is of concern, if you are prepared to commit the time and effort, there is no way you won’t succeed.
Contact me via the website or send me a personal message on Facebook or Twitter to make an appointment.
Have a good day and make it count.
Your Coach Ben